#define NO_NEIGHBOR 65535
// Indices of two vertices that belong to the same triangle. Used to construct shadow volume sides.
struct TriangleEdge
TriangleEdge() : v1(0), v2(0), f1(NO_NEIGHBOR), f2(NO_NEIGHBOR) {}
TriangleEdge( unsigned short a_v1, unsigned short a_v2 ) : v1(a_v1), v2(a_v2) {}
unsigned short v1;
unsigned short v2;
unsigned short f1;
unsigned short f2;
bool ShadowVolume::doesEdgeBelongToFace( TriangleEdge& edge, int aFaceIndex ) const
// A and B.
if ((almostEquals( meshVertices[ meshFaces[ aFaceIndex ].x ], meshVertices[ edge.v1 ] ) &&
almostEquals( meshVertices[ meshFaces[ aFaceIndex ].y ], meshVertices[ edge.v2 ] )) ||
(almostEquals( meshVertices[ meshFaces[ aFaceIndex ].x ], meshVertices[ edge.v2 ] ) &&
almostEquals( meshVertices[ meshFaces[ aFaceIndex ].y ], meshVertices[ edge.v1 ] )))
return true;
// B and C.
if ((almostEquals( meshVertices[ meshFaces[ aFaceIndex ].y ], meshVertices[ edge.v1 ] ) &&
almostEquals( meshVertices[ meshFaces[ aFaceIndex ].z ], meshVertices[ edge.v2 ] )) ||
(almostEquals( meshVertices[ meshFaces[ aFaceIndex ].y ], meshVertices[ edge.v2 ] ) &&
almostEquals( meshVertices[ meshFaces[ aFaceIndex ].z ], meshVertices[ edge.v1 ] )))
return true;
// C and A.
if ((almostEquals( meshVertices[ meshFaces[ aFaceIndex ].z ], meshVertices[ edge.v1 ] ) &&
almostEquals( meshVertices[ meshFaces[ aFaceIndex ].x ], meshVertices[ edge.v2 ] )) ||
(almostEquals( meshVertices[ meshFaces[ aFaceIndex ].z ], meshVertices[ edge.v2 ] ) &&
almostEquals( meshVertices[ meshFaces[ aFaceIndex ].x ], meshVertices[ edge.v1 ] )))
return true;
return false;
void ShadowVolume::generateEdges()
TriangleEdge edge;
for (unsigned int f = 0; f < meshFaces.getSize(); ++f)
edge.v1 = meshFaces[ f ].x;
edge.v2 = meshFaces[ f ].y;
edge.f1 = f;
edge.f2 = NO_NEIGHBOR;
// Finds the other face that's touching vertices v1 and v2.
for (unsigned int f2 = 0; f2 < meshFaces.getSize(); ++f2)
if (f2 == f)
if (doesEdgeBelongToFace( edge, f2 ))
edge.f2 = f2;
edges[ f * 3 + 0 ] = edge;
edge.v1 = meshFaces[ f ].y;
edge.v2 = meshFaces[ f ].z;
edge.f1 = f;
edge.f2 = NO_NEIGHBOR;
// Finds the other face that's touching vertices v1 and v2.
for (unsigned int f2 = 0; f2 < meshFaces.getSize(); ++f2)
if (f2 == f)
if (doesEdgeBelongToFace( edge, f2 ))
edge.f2 = f2;
edges[ f * 3 + 1 ] = edge;
edge.v1 = meshFaces[ f ].z;
edge.v2 = meshFaces[ f ].x;
edge.f1 = f;
edge.f2 = NO_NEIGHBOR;
// Finds the other face that's touching vertices v1 and v2.
for (unsigned int f2 = 0; f2 < meshFaces.getSize(); ++f2)
if (f2 == f)
if (doesEdgeBelongToFace( edge, f2 ))
edge.f2 = f2;
edges[ f * 3 + 2 ] = edge;
void ShadowVolume::generateEdges()
TriangleEdge edge;
for (unsigned int f = 0; f < meshFaces.getSize(); ++f)
edge.v1 = meshFaces[ f ].x;
edge.v2 = meshFaces[ f ].y;
edge.f1 = f;
edge.f2 = NO_NEIGHBOR;
// Finds the other face that's touching vertices v1 and v2.
for (unsigned int f2 = 0; f2 < meshFaces.getSize(); ++f2)
if (f2 == f)
if (doesEdgeBelongToFace( edge, f2 ))
edge.f2 = f2;
edges[ f * 3 + 0 ] = edge;
edge.v1 = meshFaces[ f ].y;
edge.v2 = meshFaces[ f ].z;
edge.f1 = f;
edge.f2 = NO_NEIGHBOR;
// Finds the other face that's touching vertices v1 and v2.
for (unsigned int f2 = 0; f2 < meshFaces.getSize(); ++f2)
if (f2 == f)
if (doesEdgeBelongToFace( edge, f2 ))
edge.f2 = f2;
edges[ f * 3 + 1 ] = edge;
edge.v1 = meshFaces[ f ].z;
edge.v2 = meshFaces[ f ].x;
edge.f1 = f;
edge.f2 = NO_NEIGHBOR;
// Finds the other face that's touching vertices v1 and v2.
for (unsigned int f2 = 0; f2 < meshFaces.getSize(); ++f2)
if (f2 == f)
if (doesEdgeBelongToFace( edge, f2 ))
edge.f2 = f2;
edges[ f * 3 + 2 ] = edge;
void ShadowVolume::generateOpenEdgeTriangles()
int degenFacesSize = 0;
// Finds out the # of open edges.
for (unsigned int e = 0; e < edges.getSize(); ++e)
if (edges[ e ].f2 == NO_NEIGHBOR)
int offs = meshFaces.getSize();
meshFaceNormals.resize( offs + degenFacesSize );
backFaces.resize( offs + degenFacesSize );
for (unsigned int e = 0; e < edges.getSize(); ++e)
if (edges[ e ].f2 == NO_NEIGHBOR)
meshFaceNormals[ offs ] = -meshFaceNormals[ edges[e].f1 ];
edges[ e ].f2 = offs;